Saturday, October 23, 2010

Meet the guys at the skate park.

So, the great part about my "assist"...I mention once...I want a skate, of course,
she found one to drop in on after my morning shoot...
literally I don't think I was there for more than 20 minutes...

but it felt like 5...
I could have stayed all day...

I really wanted to see what I could do with one time...
I will bring all three.

What a blast...but I'm a Mom, and I just cannot believe these guys
do not wear any padding...I mean I think I skinned my knee
just kneeling in the bowl...

I'm such a baby...


  1. You really have to stop posting new photos!!! You keep blowing me away!!!!! These are AMAZING.... LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, these!!!! I am inspired...maybe I will take up skateboarding????!!!

  2. What talent!! I did have dreams of flying up in the air via my skateboard.....however, they were quickly interrupted when I recalled I would wipe out "every time" I rode mine in 19????? and I hit a pebble on the sidewalk in front of the apartments down the street.....hmmmmm

  3. Great pictures, Nikki! Please share a little about how you used your flash for your fellow Speedlighter!
